I whacked this coyote soon after I moved here. It was a quick death for this animal.
  1. This is the animal.
  2. Close up of the animal.
  3. The .308 round removed this internal organ.

Some video entertainment.
  1. Two juvenile hummingbirds playing one afternoon.
  2. The culverts under the bridge after a substantial rain storm. They were partially blocked on the intake side.
  3. There is a waterfall in the grotto; this is after a substantial rainfall.
  4. Our hens are free range. This is a bobcat taking one of the girls. I killed this animal some time later.

Some timelapsed entertainment, just because.
  1. Replacing the front bumper on my ATV.
  2. We used structured walls for our basement; this is the walls getting set.
  3. The electric transformer is set.
  4. The joists are set and the subfloor started.
  5. Nashville to home; a 90 minute trip compressed to just under 4 minutes.
  6. Live stock movement.
  7. Over the river and through the woods...
  8. Total eclipse of the sun, August 2017.
  9. Sunset 2013-06-02.
  10. Sunset 2013-08-18.